Like, why can't they choose Overture No. 2?!?!?!
Gosh, when the schools were playing that, inside i'm like, play that again and i can really vomit. Imagine after this judging, how much contempt they'd have for this piece (when its not played properly, duh)
It wasn't so bad when i heard familiar pieces.
Lets move on to the REAL aftermath.
But i think i've caught a cold.
.. After being exposed to cold air-conditioning of the hall, and bus.
And i was even wearing a jacket the entire day! -.-
Everyone in my house calls my sickness 'Masuk angin'
And er, literal translation = wind entering body.
And the cure to that, Indonesian style, would be 'kerokan' (which is to take a coin, rub an oil down your bare back UNTIL the skin turns red) And yes, thats how my back's looking like right now.
My gosh! Haven't had this kinda treatment in ages.
Its really really painful!!!!!!
(I kept whining and wincing when mum helped me to do that)
But hey! I think this is one of the better pain remedies, compared to having jabs.
Now i'm feeling much better i guess?
But still pretty weak.
Gotta wait awhile more before i can sleep, y'knw, digest breakfast first?
Other than that, the aftermath's much worst than just a mild cold.
I've got a really bad sore throat (appearing outta nowhere)
And now, stomach cramps. Yes, its THAT time of the month again.
GOSHHHHH, the magnitude of me being sick is getting larger.
Looking on a bright side, RWS' clinched a Gold yesterday at SYF!
I almost cried when watching their performance, and cried when they got the Gold.
After 3 SYFs of silver.
Looks like its a new beginning for RWS.
The future's looking great for them!
Now i'm going to sleep, to rest.
I'll be well soon, i know it!