Wednesday, April 11, 2007

{Sports Day}

Had lessons in the morning until 10am, then had a biology extra class after that, until 11pm.

What a boring start to the morning.

I've even got a feeling that the sports day would even be boring-er! (like this word ever existed! haha!)

Anyway SYF's on next monday.

To tell you the truth i was pretty upset when i reminded someone to bring home and practice the instrument, that person said "Huhhhhhhhh?" (That whiney kind of way) And its so upsetting! I know he/she is probably not the only one.

But really, is it that hard to bring home an instrument, although its big and all that? Wouldn't it be worth it in the end? It takes just a little effort from everyone, it would definitely go a really long way. In the end, no one will regret. Isn't that the way things are supposed to be?

I really want the best! Is it possible though?

Monday, April 02, 2007

{The week ahead..}


(belated cos' i can't go online on sundays *laughs*)

Sneaked online again. And again it was my sister who guessed the password. So this week's going to be so busy again, with the SPA exams. Basically its practical, and hmm i don't know whether i can score well enough for it..

The band exchange on saturday was disastrous for me. Noel and Kun Jie couldn't hear me play and all the time i was shivering cos' of nervousness :(

Nevermind that, i shall work harder, i really hope the band would improve even more in these few days. The competition is nearing already. I'm really afraid.

Anyway there will be an exchange on this saturday again. I want to play well for it!

Okay i think thats it. I gotta go study for a chemistry test tomorrow. And its on a topic that i don't understand during lessons. So all the more i should study.

I'll update whenever i can alright (: